Joselyne John, RN is a Certified Sleep Science Coach and the creator of “Sleep Success,” an online course that teaches CEOs, executives, athletes, and entrepreneurs how to go from broken sleep to sleeping a restful seven hours without relying on sleeping pills.
Joselyne has helped hundreds of people transform their sleep through her one-on-one program, workshops, and presentations. She was a speaker at the 2018 HMC Diversity Mental Health Conference. Joselyne has been invited by Chartered Professionals in Human Resources of British Columbia and Yukon to deliver a workshop on how to optimize sleep to boost productivity. She has also been featured on “Your Next Shift,” a nursing career podcast discussing her passion and career path. Joselyne spoke at the Whole Human Virtual Speaker Series 2020.
In addition to being a Registered Nurse, a Spencer Institute Certified Sleep Science Coach, and a Certified Health Coach, Joselyne has been trained in Holistic Sleep Solutions, looking at how lifestyle, biochemical stress and hormones, thyroid and other health issues, nutrition, and gut health impact sleep. Joselyne brings this diverse expertise to help her clients to transform their sleep once and for all. You can view one of her guided meditations called “Let Go Of The Day For Deeper Rejuvenation”.
She currently lives in Vancouver and enjoys running and exploring outdoors and nature. You can connect with Jocelyne John via her social media accounts on Facebook and Twitter, as well as her Youtube channel and podcasts.