Not every family will benefit from a seven-person co-sleeping arrangement because it just isn’t for everybody! But there was a time when communal sleeping was so common that even strangers slept together in the same bed. While co-sleeping and communal sleeping aren’t as common in American society as before, we must not judge people who adopt them.
In the end, the size of the mattress you sleep on will be largely determined by your unique sleep needs and habits. Other people’s choices are their own and, thus, should be respected. But it must also be said that there are general recommendations about mattress size that you may want to consider.
Mattress size refers to the width and length of the mattress, although the height also matters. The origins of mattress sizes appear to be from manufacturers’ and sellers’ desire to set standard sizes. This benefited both ends of the selling/purchasing cycle in many ways.
On the one hand, consumers can now compare sizes concerning their unique needs and make purchasing decisions accordingly. On the other hand, manufacturers can create products and services based on standardized sizes. These include mattress covers, protectors, and toppers, as well as bed frames and foundations.
What about the terms for the mattress sizes? We can surmise that it’s a combination of the practical and whimsical. Single-size beds were likely named because these were designed for use by a single person only. Manufacturers probably named king- and queen-size beds to appeal to the consumers” desire to “sleep like royalty.”
Reasons for Choosing the Right Size in Your Mattress
The sleep-wake cycle is the circadian rhythm most people associate with the term. Several factors can affect our sleep-wake cycle, increasing the risk of sleep deprivation and associated health issues.
These factors include the brightness and color of light, unhealthy sleep habits, and travel (i.e., jet lag), as well as underlying medical conditions. Most of us know about these factors and the best ways to resolve them.
There’s an often-overlooked factor, too – the size of the mattress! While there may be other matters in life where size doesn’t matter, it isn’t so with the mattress you sleep on. This is all too true for the seven in 10 Americans whose co-sleeping arrangement keeps them from getting sufficient sleep.
Here are the common issues that may prevent co-sleepers from getting their zzz’s in mattress size.
- Overcrowding plus night moves
Mattress sizes are there for a reason – to prevent overcrowding and, thus, to provide each person with sufficient personal space. While sleeping means lesser physical activity, some people toss and turn throughout the night. Sufferers of periodic limb movement disorder, a repetitive jerking or cramping of the legs every 20-40 seconds while asleep, will also wake up and their bedmates during the night.
In these cases, overcrowding isn’t the only issue – the possibility of being kicked awake, even if it’s accidental, must also be considered. The larger the bed, the more space for each person to move around while asleep and the less risk of being woken up due to the other person’s movements. These movements also include getting on and off the bed to use the toilet, getting to bed later, and getting up earlier.
Parents sleeping on the edge of the bed while their baby takes up the center isn’t just a joke or a meme -it’s a fact of life! Sleep habits that take up more space on the bed must also be considered. A few examples are stretching while waking up, sleeping in a fetal position or a spread-eagle position, and rolling off the bed.
- Overheating issues
While movies make it seem romantic for couples to sleep while cuddling against each other, it isn’t realistic. Then two bodies are wrapped around each other. Their combined body heat can result in overheating. This also applies to children and pets since both generate body heat, too.
This is true even in an air-conditioned room unless, of course, your main goal is to complement each other’s body heat in an extreme survival situation. Whether adult, child, and pets, you and your bedmate will want ample personal space so you don’t overheat. You may also not want the proximity due to morning breath.
The bottom line: Don’t scrimp on the size of your mattress! While several factors influence the right mattress size, you may want to consider these rules of thumb:
- The bed should be about six inches longer than your height;
- The bed must provide enough room so that when you lie down with your hands behind your head and lie side-by-side with your bedmate, your elbows aren’t touching.
These are only rules of thumb, and, as such, you may want a larger mattress because you need more space or you can afford it.

Tips on Measuring Mattress Size
First off, the measurements discussed here are common to the United States, so there will be differences with mattress measurements used in Europe and Asia. The US king-size mattress measures 76″ x 80″ while the UK and Ireland king-size mattress measure 60″ x 78″.
But even in the US, manufacturers may have slight differences in measurements, usually by a half-inch or so. While it may seem trivial, it isn’t so once your mattress and frame or your mattress and bedding are mismatched. Getting the correct measurements for a mattress is then necessary for practical and aesthetic reasons.
- Be sure that the mattress doesn’t have its bedding and other accessories. Strip it bare to get the correct measurements. This should be easy when buying from a brick-and-mortar store, but it’s also applicable to new mattresses ordered online.
- Use either a fabric ruler or a retractable measuring tape since these have built-in numbers and are designed for accurate measurements.
- Measure from the widest point for both the width and length. This is because a mattress may have an outward curve at the sides.
- To measure the width, place one end of the measuring tape at the mattress” right side and pull it out until it reaches the left side.
- To measure the length, place one end of the measuring tape at the mattress; middle top and pull it out until it’s in the middle bottom.
- Write down the width and length for future references, such as deciding whether the mattress will fit well in a bedroom.
These measurements will be useful in three cases – when ordering the mattress based on your sleep needs, the size of the bedroom where it will be placed, including the hallways and doors leading to it, and the size of its frame and bedding. The second factor, particularly the size of the hallways and doors,won’t be an issue if you’re ordering a bed-in-a-box mattress.
Should your mattress be the same size as its frame or foundation? Not necessarily, but bed frames and foundations have corresponding sizes in mattresses. The addition of mattress covers, protectors, and comforters can increase the mattress’ dimensions, so the extra 2-5 inches on the frame makes sense. Both mattress and its frame can then be roughly the same size, with the frame larger by a few inches than the mattress to account for bedding.
What happens if the frame is too large or too small for the mattress? If it’s too large, there will be gaps resulting in the mattress slipping and sliding on the frame. If it’s too small, the frame won’t hold the mattress in place, not to mention the risk of damage to both frame and mattress.
Perhaps an old frame may be larger than a new mattress by several inches. Foam gap fillers, even rolled-up towels, can fill in the gaps and prevent the mattress from shifting. This is a temporary, if effective, solution, so a new mattress or frame may be necessary down the road.
The main reason you’re using a bed in the first place. Mattresses don’t have to be placed on bed frames or foundations either. But a mattress-and-frame pairing is recommended because it prevents the mattress from being prematurely damaged by dust, dirt, bugs, rats, and water. This also keeps you away from the drafts and allergens on the floor. Placing a mattress on the floor and using it as a bed as is may also void its warranty.
Factors When Choosing a Mattress Based on Size
Again, your unique needs, want, and circumstances will determine your choice in a mattress, size-wise. Here are some questions to ask in this regard:
- How many people will be sleeping on the bed? This is the main consideration since there must be sufficient personal space for each person.
- What is the height, weight, and age of the person sleeping on the bed? If it’s two adults of average size, a queen-size bed is a good place to start. Heavier, taller, or older persons will likely need a larger bed for more legroom.
- What’s the size of the bedroom? What are the sleep habits, including preferred sleeping positions of the persons? If your bedmate is a tosser-and-turner, gets up frequently, or wakes up or goes to sleep at a different time, a larger bed is recommended. While the bedroom’s primary function is for sleeping, it also has other non-sleeping purposes, from relaxing to studying. When choosing a mattress, furniture such as a study table and chair, side tables, closets, and vanity tables must also be accounted for. There should be room to move to perform the common tasks in a bedroom aside from aesthetic considerations.
For these reasons, we included information about the best types of beds suitable for singles, couples, and co-sleeping families. We also included information about suitable room-to-mattress ratio. These are intended for reference purposes only, and your decision will stand since you know your unique circumstances better than we do.
Standard Mattress Sizes
The sizes here are expressed in inches (“) and in width x length (twin-size 39″ x 75″). These are standard sizes because of their widespread popularity among the population. These are also the most common sizes sold in mattress stores, so there’s no need for customization, as is often the case for oversized mattresses. The room sizes are expressed in feet (”) for consistency purposes.
Crib (28″ x 51″)
Crib-size mattresses are the smallest because they are designed for babies. However, in terms of safety, these require the most thought because of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). While physical and environmental factors are at play, sleeping on a soft surface and sleeping on a crib with gaps between the mattress and slats increase the risk. The rule of thumb in the crib-and-mattress gap is not more than two fingers can be inserted between these two parts.
These mattresses should be used in cribs and toddler daybeds for safety reasons. But some parents use crib mattresses for floor beds, which can either be a mattress placed directly on the floor or a legless frame. However, floor beds for children are recommended around two or three when toddlers can climb out of their cribs.
The transition from crib to floor bed can reduce the risk of injuries related to crib falls and rolling off an elevated bed. But it’s also important to note that every child is different, so a floor bed may or may not work for your child. Parents may consider a floor bed a transition bed for toddlers who still want to sleep on their crib mattress but not on an elevated bed.
A twin-size bed is an excellent option once a child is ready to transition to a regular bed. Just remember that your child will outgrow a twin-size bed in a few years, particularly with a growth spurt. A twin XL-size or a full-size bed makes more financial sense because it can be used for several years more.
In general, cribs can be placed in a 7” x 10” room since these are small pieces of furniture. A larger room will be necessary to accommodate a changing table, a cabinet for clothes, and a rocking chair. Most nurseries also have an open area for when the baby is crawling, walking, and playing.
The size of a crib mattress isn’t the only consideration! Parents must choose a firm mattress since the risk of SIDS increases with a soft sleeping surface, as previously mentioned.
Testing a crib mattress for the right firmness is easy – using your hand, push against it and determine its responsiveness. If it quickly responds to your hand’s pressure, then it’s too soft. If it resists your hand’s pressure or you find it difficult to push down, then it’s the right firmness.
Cot or Small Single (30″ x 75″)
The small single-size mattress has the same length as the twin-size mattress but a narrower width by nine inches. This is more suitable for small children, such as toddler beds, due to their limited size. The duration of use will also be limited to a few years since children can quickly outgrow their beds.
Many of these mattresses come with their cot beds, which have removable side rails and adjustable height. The side rails may be removed and the bed height adjusted according to your child’s age. These features make them more versatile and, thus, give more value for the money.
Cot beds are then practical alternatives to toddler beds since these can be adjusted as the years go by and your child’s needs change. These can even be used from birth until age five with a few minor adjustments and then into a small sofa when your child has outgrown it. These beds also provide several benefits for children, such as more space to stretch, move and play.
But cot beds may not address your specific needs, so you may also want to reconsider. These may look too large for the nursery or a tiny newborn, perhaps not as cost-effective as buying a larger bed for a fast-growing child.
Twin (39″ x 75″)
Twin-size mattresses aren’t designed for use by twins or two individuals at the same time despite their label. In the late 19th century, spouses were discouraged from sharing a bed as a health precaution. Instead, single beds were placed side-by-side or with a nightstand between them so that spouses could sleep in the same room—but not in the same bed. This was the origin of the term “twin beds.”
In the 21st century, twin-size mattresses measure 38″ x 75″ and can only accommodate a single individual. Not just any individual either, as it can be a tad small for a full-grown adult, much less a tall or large adult. Instead, these are ideal for children who have outgrown their toddler beds and need a larger bed. The larger space also means getting more stuffed toys on the bed and more space for parents during storytime.
But twin-size mattresses are also suitable for teenagers and adults who have a small bedroom, petite physiques, or share a bedroom with others. This is why twin-size mattresses are used in bunk beds in teens” rooms, college dormitories, guest rooms, and even hostels for backpackers. Their fairly small footprint makes them suitable in limited spaces while accommodating children, teens, and average-size adults.
Since twin-size mattresses are designed for a more discerning audience, these are typically made with high-quality materials and construction. Even at a tender age, kids can express their needs for a more comfortable bed to lie on, not to mention that their sleep quality influences their overall development.
While space and aesthetic needs vary, a twin-size mattress will look best in a 7” x 10” bedroom. This will leave enough room for other bedroom furniture, such as nightstands, study tables, and wardrobes.
If you’re using a twin-size bed as a transition bed, you must consider that it has its disadvantages, too, albeit minor ones. It may not fit into your child’s existing nursery, whether in terms of space or aesthetics. Its bed frame likely won’t have safety railings, too, although DIY railings can be made. It may feel “different” for your child, too, in comparison with a crib, so that the transition may be a tad harder.
Twin XL (39″ x 80″)
The twin XL-size mattresses are longer by five inches than the twin-size mattresses, but both have the same width. These longer beds are then suitable for taller teens and adults up to six feet in height. There’s sufficient legroom for a single sleeper with an eight-inch difference between the bed’s length and height. This means no knocking the head against the headboard and curling up the legs in an uncomfortable position.
Again, the emphasis here is on a single sleeper since a twin XL-size mattress is only wide enough for one adult. But if it’s two small children or petite adults, it will suffice, although it will be a tight fit. A king-size or a queen-size bed is the better option if you have more to spare because it’s wider and the same length as a twin XL-size mattress.
Twin XL-size mattresses are common in college dormitories, hostels for backpackers and transient travelers, and guest rooms. These can be arranged in bunk beds and trundle beds, too, with the appropriate thickness considered. These are also more affordable than their larger counterparts, so these are great options as child-to-teen transition beds.
For a couple with different sleep needs, particularly mattress firmness, a king-size bed frame can be used to put two twin XL-size mattresses side-by-side. Each mattress comes in different firmness levels depending on each person’s preference, so both can sleep well. The two twin XL-size mattresses will fit snugly in the king-size bed frame with room to spare for beddings, which can be two separate twin XL-size covers or one king-size cover.
The recommended minimum room size for a twin XL-size bed is about 9’6″ x10’6,” and it’s quite common for teens’ rooms. But it can also be placed in a smaller room if there are little to no other pieces of furniture.
Full (54″ x 75″)
Full-size mattresses are wider than twin-size, and twin XL-size mattresses but have equal length to twin-size mattresses and a shorter length than twin XL-size mattresses. With their wider dimensions, these may be suitable for use by average-sized couples, but there will be limited personal space.
The chances for interrupted sleep due to motion transfer, overheating, and accidental nudges when one or both co-sleepers are tossers-and-turners increase, too. Sleeping positions must be considered, too, in the case of spread-eagled and fetal sleepers. The relatively tight fit may result in one co-sleeper sleeping somewhere else to get a goodnight’s sleep, thus, defeating the purpose of sleeping together.
A full-size mattress is then more recommended for use by a single individual only. Since it’s a wider bed, there’s plenty more room to move, even toss and turn, and to adopt a space-hogging position. This is also the best starter bed for an average-size adult who wants a spacious sleeping surface but cannot afford a larger bed or has limited space.
Due to its similarities in dimensions to twin-size and twin XL-size mattresses, a full-size mattress can also be placed in a bedroom about 9’6″ x10’6″ with room to spare. The trick is to make the most use of the available space through on-the-wall storage, vertical space, and strategic placement of mirrors. The type of bed frame or foundation on which it will be placed will also affect its form and function.
Full-size mattresses are also great as transition beds for tweens since these are already wide enough to accommodate their growth spurt. The extra width also means more room for personal stuff, such as stuffed toys and gadgets, as well as for sleepovers. With bedrooms also being used for socialization, it makes sense to account for your teen’s occasional visitors.
Full XL (54″ x 80″)
With an extra five inches in length, full XL-size mattresses are designed for taller individuals up to six feet in height. There’s plenty of room for a head pillow as well as for leg pillows, perhaps even a small pet or two. The wider dimensions in comparison with twin XL-size mattresses also mean more wiggle room for rolling, tossing, and turning, too.
With its wider and longer dimensions, a petite person can put more pillows and sleep with more pets on the bed. But no rule book says petite persons cannot use full Xl-size mattresses either! The rule of thumb, after all, is that the more room in your bed, the better for your sleeping and non-sleeping activities.
These mattresses are also suitable for taller and larger teens (as a single sleeper) or two children or tweens in a co-sleeping arrangement. Children, however, may not appreciate the large space of a full XL-size mattress if they sleep on their own. The twin XL-size option is more recommended.
Can two adults sleep on a full XL-size mattress? Yes, but under certain conditions. If both want to sleep well instead of waking up experiencing the effects of sleep deprivation, this may not be the greatest option. If you and your partner are average-sized, it’s a good fit, but you may want to sleep with fewer pillows and deal with less personal space. If you have a small bedroom, a smaller mattress than the king and queen sizes is also ideal.
At the minimum, the recommended room size for a full XL-size mattress is about 10’6″ x10’6″ or just a tad larger than its full-size counterpart. This can be placed in the center of the bedroom for a centerpiece look or against a wall for space-saving purposes. Due to its large size and heavyweight, a sturdy and stable frame is a must to keep it in place.
Many manufacturers now offer full XL-size mattresses in several options, including latex and memory foam. These are usually sold at mid-range prices, although specific prices vary depending on brand, materials, and construction.
Queen (60″ x 80″)
Queen-size mattresses are the most popular beds in the market because of their appeal to single sleepers and co-sleepers. These are six inches wider than full XL-size mattresses resulting in 30 inches of personal space for two co-sleepers. You and your co-sleeper can do the elbow test on it and still enjoy adequate personal space.
Most sleeping positions can also be accommodated, from a lean side sleeping position to a curled-up fetal position, provided that each co-sleeper sticks to his side. But a queen-size mattress is also small enough for couples to feel that, indeed, they are sleeping together and enjoying the benefits of shared sleep. These include increased perception of safety and security and decreased stress and anxiety levels due to the release of oxytocin.
With its larger size, it’s also possible to find a cooler spot in a queen-size bed, regardless of sleeping alone or with a partner. The temperature on a mattress matter as much as the overall bedroom temperature too. While individual temperature preferences vary, sleep experts recommend 18.3 degrees Celsius as the ideal.
The larger size is also an advantage in terms of longevity. Since there’s more space to lie on, a queen-size mattress won’t wear out too soon or get premature sagging in specific areas. Flipping and rotating the mattress helps in getting the most out of it, years-wise.
Yet another benefit of buying a queen-size mattress is the wide variety of beddings sold by retailers. Since it’s the most saleable size, manufacturers and retailers offer everything from covers and protectors to bedsheets, comforters, and duvets. There’s no shortage of bed frames and foundations for queen-size mattresses, too.
But there’s a downside to these mattresses, too, and it’s related to their large size. A 10’6″ x10’6″ will suffice, but it will likely be a tight fit, too, so a larger room is recommended. These mattresses are best for master’s bedrooms and large guest rooms where guests can share a bed.
Note that there are also split queen-size mattresses. These are the same size – (60″ x 80″) – as typical queen-size mattresses when measured from end to end. But as their name suggests, these are split evenly in half so that each co-sleeper sleeps on a bed with a different firmness level. Many of these mattresses can be placed on adjustable beds with headboards that can be raised or lowered.
With a large size comes a high price tag, and it’s true for queen-size mattresses. You may have to consider the higher cost against your preference for a more spacious bed.
Olympic Queen (66″ x 80″)
This is a version of the queen-size mattress, but it’s wider by six inches. Known as super-queen, the Olympic queen-size mattress is popular among single sleepers and co-sleepers who want the extra elbow room. Even a tosser-and-turner who sleeps alone will find it spacious enough to roll around without falling off the side.
Couples who want a wider mattress than a queen-size bed but have no room or budget for a king-size bed will also like it. Owners of mobile homes, recreational vehicles, and camper trailers also consider it a great choice. There’s also something about its fairly odd size that appeals to consumers.
King (76″ x 80″)
King-size mattresses are wider than queen-size mattresses by 16 inches, but both have the same 80-inch length. The 16-inch difference is, indeed, huge because it’s wide enough for a small child to sleep between his parents. Fur parents will also find it suitable for a couple of small pets or a large pet without overcrowding.
These mattresses are excellent for couples who want more personal space, with or without children and pets. There’s plenty of elbow and legroom for even tall and large co-sleepers to enjoy, plus room to spare for bulky pillows.
The huge space also means more room for physical movement and space-hogging sleep positions. Even a tosser-and-turner will find a king-size bed more than enough for nocturnal activities.
With the larger size comes, the larger cost and space requirements, too! While prices vary based on quality and type, king-size mattresses range between $500 and $1,500. The minimum space recommended is 12” by 12” with a smaller bedroom overwhelmed by a king-size bed.
There’s also a split king mattress option wherein a king-size mattress is split evenly into two halves. In other words, it’s two twin XL-size mattresses placed side-by-side on a single bed frame. Like it’s split queen counterpart. Its main benefit is for a pair of co-sleepers to sleep on one bed with different firmness levels.
But the downsides must be considered regardless of these are minor in comparison with the benefits. There could be a little gap between the two mattresses in a split king-size bed. The gap may be 1-2 inches in an innerspring mattress but significantly less, if any, with a latex or memory foam mattress.
Since there’s a gap, there’s also no sleeping for either co-sleepers in the middle. The snuggling and canoodling happen at either side of the split king-size bed.
Looking beyond these minor downsides, a split king-size bed has less motion transfer since each co-sleeper has his side. But the degree of motion transfer will depend on other factors, such as the amount of movement and quality of sleep (i.e., deep or shallow sleeper).
California King (72″ x 84″)
California king-size mattresses are the longest standard-size beds, but these are narrower than their king-size counterparts. These are then a popular choice among:
- Couples who want the extra leg and elbow room for their daytime and nighttime activities
- Tall individuals who want a longer and larger sleeping surface
- Parents with a co-sleeping arrangement with one or two of their small children
- Individuals who just want the huge space for their reasons
The bedroom where a California king-size bed will be placed must be at least 12” x 12” to be proportioned. In a smaller bedroom, the bed will take up most of the space, so there’s little room for other pieces of furniture. There’s also less space for movement around the room, possibly even resulting in a claustrophobic-inducing space.
There’s also the matter of price when buying a California king-size mattress, as well as its frame and accessories. These products are more expensive due to their sheer size and, thus, more materials used and construction hours applied. But since the mattress and bed are a one-time purchase – at least, for the next 7-8 years when the mattress must be replaced – these are well worth the price.
Non-standard Sizes
Beds are also status symbols and, like many status symbols, the bigger, the better. While king-size and California king-size mattresses may be enough for Tom, Dick, and Harry with deep pockets, these may still be too small for the Joneses. This is where the non-standard or oversized mattresses come in.
Wyoming King (84″ x 84″)
While 84″ x 84″ – or 7′ x 7′ – may seem huge compared to the king-size and California-size mattresses, the Wyoming king-size bed is the smallest among oversized beds! The length is the same as that of a California king-size bed, but it’s wider by 12 inches, and that 12 inches can make a difference.
If there are only two co-sleepers, each person has 42 inches of elbow room, so there’s ample personal space even for a tosser-and-turner. The 84-inch length means that tall persons have more legroom than needed, even when a pet or two sleeps at the foot of the bed.
Due to its humongous size, a Wyoming king-size mattress is a perfect choice for:
- Couples who want the extra personal space regardless of their preferred sleeping positions, nocturnal movements, and sleeping habits
- Parents who co-sleep with two or more of their small children
- Individuals who like to sleep alone but with the comfort of an uber-large bed regardless of their height, weight, and sleeping habits
As for suitable room size, a Wyoming king-size mattress will fit well in a typical master’s bedroom measuring 14′ x 16′ or larger. Any smaller than 14′ x 16′ and the bed will swallow the room, in a manner of speaking, and the overall aesthetics will be off.
The average price for Wyoming king-size mattresses is in the $1,500 to $3,000 range, among the most expensive in the market. As with other oversized mattresses, the frame and beddings are typically custom-made. The additional costs for these products must be considered when buying.
Texas King (80″ x 98″)
They say everything is huge in the Lone Star State, so it comes as no surprise that the Texas king-size mattress is among the largest mattresses available! Called the super king and grand king, it’s the kind of mattress that can fit an entire family of five without overcrowding.
While it’s narrower than a Wyoming king-size mattress by four inches, it’s longer by 14 inches. People taller than six feet will find that it has more room for their legs, as well as room to spare for a bedmate or two. Parents who sleep with their children also have ample room for everybody, even three small children. Couples will appreciate that there’s as much room as each person will want but with the opportunity to meet in the middle.
These dimensions mean that a Texas king-size bed has a rectangular shape, making it suitable for a bedroom with either a square or a rectangular shape. The bed should be at least 14” x 16” in size for the mattress to fit well.
As with all oversized mattresses, the main concerns with a Texas king-size mattress are its cost, size, and maintenance. Spending $2,500 upwards isn’t uncommon for the mattress alone. The custom-made frame and beddings, including the cover, protector, and linens, will further drive the cost upwards, not to mention the costs for professional cleaning. Getting the mattress from the store to your bedroom can be a financial and logistical issue, too, due to its giant size.
Alaskan King (108″ x 108″)
Did you know that it will take a landmass the size of two Texas to fit into Alaska? Yes, Alaska is the largest US state, so it is no surprise that the largest oversized mattress is named after it! At 108″ x 108″ – or a colossal 9′ x 9′ – the Alaska king-size mattress is a juggernaut like no other. (The world’s largest recorded bed according to the Guinness Book of World Records is in a category of its own.)
The square-shaped mattress is 28 inches wider and 10 inches longer than a Texas king-size bed. The substantial difference means that one more adult can fit in with a family of five and still have slight wiggle room. In comparison, two twin-size beds can fit into an Alaska king-size bed, and there will still be room on the latter.
Do you like to claim most of the bed while your partner sleeps on the edge? You can have as much of it as you want and you won’t be able to cover half of it! Does your partner toss and turn so frequently that you wake up several times during the night? Your troubles may well be over because it’s so large that motion transfer is of little consequence. Do you like a co-sleeping arrangement where children and pets are welcome? You may want to invest in it.
The minimum room size recommended is 16′ x 16′, preferably with the bed as the centerpiece, but the huge size is required for an even larger bedroom! Putting it up against the wall may result in an asymmetrical look, not to mention that it takes away from its wow impact.
As for its cost, be prepared to spend at least $3,000 on a no-fuss, no-frills model. Then, spend more on a customized frame and beddings. DIY frames may not be suitable, too, since the weight of an Alaska king-size mattress will put extreme pressure on its frame.
Size Comparisons
With so many sizes and factors to consider, making a smart choice between these standard and oversized mattresses can be overwhelming. With this in mind, here’s a size comparison in table form to make it easier.
Twin vs. Twin XL
Twin | Twin XL | |
Dimensions | 39” x 75” | 39” x 80” |
Best for Use By | Single sleepers (Child or teen under 6’ tall) | Single sleepers (Child or teen over 6’ tall) |
Advantages | More affordable option, Has a wide range of accessories available, Fits in small bedrooms, Suitable for bunk and trundle beds | Affordable prices, Fits in small bedrooms, Suitable for bunk and trundle beds |
Disadvantages | Unsuitable for adults unless on the petite side | Less number of choices in ready-to-use beddings due to its unusual size |
Twin XL vs. Full
Twin XL | Full | |
Dimensions | 39” x 80” | 54” x 75” |
Best for Use By | Single sleepers (Child or teen over 6’ tall) | Single sleepers (Child or teen over 6′ tall; adults of average size) |
Advantages | Plenty of legroom for a child or teen Suitable for rapidly growing child or teen | Spacious sleeping surface for a single sleeper, May be suitable for lean couples |
Disadvantages | Unsuitable for co-sleeping even for children | Cramped sleeping conditions for an adult couple |
Full vs. Queen
Full | Queen | |
Dimensions | 54” x 75” | 60” x 80” |
Best for Use By | Single sleeper, either teen or adult In a small bedroom | Starter bed for a couple, Co-sleeping with a child or pet but not with another adult |
Advantages | More affordable than a queen-size bed, Easier to move due to smaller size | Good legroom and elbow room for co-sleepers, Tall people will have sufficient space at the foot of the bed |
Disadvantages | Unsuitable for couples and tall people | More expensive price, Larger but also harder to move and clean |
King vs. California King
King | California king | |
Dimensions | 76” x 80” | 72” x 84” |
Best for Use By | Single sleepers, particularly tall or large persons, Couples Co-sleeping parent with one child | Single sleepers, particularly tall or large person, Couples Co-sleeping parent with one child |
Advantages | Suitable for narrow bedrooms, Extra length means more legroom or room for pets, Wide range of beddings and accessories to choose from | Maximum width for standard sizes is excellent for co-sleepers, Beddings and accessories are available and quite affordable |
Disadvantages | More expensive prices, Large bedroom required | More expensive prices, too Large space is a must |
King vs. Queen
King | Queen | |
Dimensions | 76” x 80” | 60” x 80” |
Best for Use By | Couples Co-sleeping parents and a child | Couples Co-sleeping parents and a child |
Advantages | Spacious sleeping surface, More leg and elbow room even for tall and large individuals | Looks great in most bedrooms, Provides good sleeping space with plenty of leg and elbow room for average-sized persons, Most popular size, so there’s an abundance of beddings and accessories |
Disadvantages | More expensive than queen-size mattress, Larger dimensions require a bigger room | May be overcrowded for co-sleeping parents with a small child |
Mattress sizes may seem overwhelming at first, but when you first consider your needs and wants in a bed, these become easier to understand. Start with asking yourself pertinent questions and then making comparisons between sizes. Consider, too, that you will be spending at least six hours of your day on a mattress, and you’re off to a good start.